Bird Of The Week: The American Robin Column Jan 28 Written By Kai Goldstein Kai Goldstein | January 29, 2024 American Robin || Turdus migratorius What’s that wonderful sound breaching the bitter cold of the winter air? Why that’s an American Robin of course! A member of the Thrush Genus, the American Robin is a brave and beautiful creature to behold. They can be seen year-round throughout the U.S. and on Warren Wilson College’s (WWC) campus. Although you can find them vigorously pulling up worms from the soil in the warmer months, around this time of year they depend on various fruits, like American Holly “berries.” They can even get intoxicated off of honeysuckle berries! During this time of year, they’re quite social, and I often see them swooping down in groups to munch from the American Hollies surrounding the WWC Kittredge amphitheater. If you have time, stop and say hi next time you see one. Kai Goldstein
Bird Of The Week: The American Robin Column Jan 28 Written By Kai Goldstein Kai Goldstein | January 29, 2024 American Robin || Turdus migratorius What’s that wonderful sound breaching the bitter cold of the winter air? Why that’s an American Robin of course! A member of the Thrush Genus, the American Robin is a brave and beautiful creature to behold. They can be seen year-round throughout the U.S. and on Warren Wilson College’s (WWC) campus. Although you can find them vigorously pulling up worms from the soil in the warmer months, around this time of year they depend on various fruits, like American Holly “berries.” They can even get intoxicated off of honeysuckle berries! During this time of year, they’re quite social, and I often see them swooping down in groups to munch from the American Hollies surrounding the WWC Kittredge amphitheater. If you have time, stop and say hi next time you see one. Kai Goldstein