Photostory: Warren Wilson’s Animals
Callie Aernie | April 6, 2023

Callie Aernie | April 6, 2023
The wool from Warren Wilson College (WWC) sheep is at times used by the Fiber Arts Crew.
A portrait of a WWC sheep! Sheep pupils are different shapes than the common circle seen in humans, dogs and cats.
A portrait of one of the beef-cows. The heifers have recently given birth to calves, who can be seen nearby their mothers and frolicking around in the grazing pastures.
Drink up! A row of our WWC pigs lap water from a puddle. The pigs are raised and used as pork in the dining hall, Gladfelter. For now, they can be watched from across the fences. Use caution when approaching the wire fences — they’re electric and hot!
One of the colloquial white-feathered chickens who roams the facilities area separate from the rest of the coup.
Put that porker away!
This is the one-and-only WWC dairy cow. Her milk is used by campus dining services. FYI, no, her name is NOT Coconut.
Catch these cows crouched in the pastures. Coming soon is a cattle move, where volunteers are wanted! Students can find an email from Provost Jay Roberts with details of the move.
Freshman student Sam Lilienthal reaches out for a snout.
Cock-a-doodle-doo! This rooster joins the other white-feathered chicken in their strolls around the facilities area.