Taxi! Taxi! Transportation Crew Highlight

Becca Boynton | November 3, 2022

Warren Wilson College’s (WWC) Transportation Crew provides consistent weekly rides to nearby grocery stores, as well as other necessary locations, but many members of the crew believe they are being underutilized. 

Ana Uotinen, a senior and returning crew member, discussed the accessibility the Transportation Crew provides students and the changes that are being brought forth to improve the crew. 

“I think there’s gonna be some restructuring, so Transportation Crew is going to become strictly transportation instead of helping with reslife stuff,” Uotinen said. “It will make it more accessible and easy for students.”

The Transportation Crew offers personal rides as well as weekly shuttle trips. Personal transportation can include doctor’s appointments, prescription pick-up and just about anything else — as long as the request form is filled out one or two weeks in advance. 

Shuttle trips occur weekly and depart in the Sunderland parking lot at 6 p.m. The schedule for weekly shuttle trips can be found on the Warren Wilson website or here

Crew members are brainstorming changes to the crew and are seeking ways to allow more trips as well as opportunities for “fun” trips, such as driving to Black Mountain. Uotinen noted the complaints they have heard and are actively listening to them. 

“We have heard frustrations in the past about how hard it can be to get in touch with the Transportation Crew,” Uotinen said. “We’ve heard that, and I think that’s a big part of why we are restructuring it a little bit, and hopefully in the future we can be more attentive to student needs.”

The Transportation Crew is also offering shuttles for the upcoming elections. Early voting transportation will be provided on Nov. 2 and Nov. 5 at 11 a.m. Day of voting transportation will be available at 9 a.m, 11:30 a.m as well as 3 p.m. All shuttles will be leaving from the front of Gladfelter. 

Fill out this form to confirm a ride to nearby voting polls.

Crew members are required to obtain a WWC campus license before driving students. However, if any other WWC students have their campus license, Transportation Crew strongly urges them to assist with driving to voting polls. Any help with driving will allow more WWC students to have the opportunity to vote. 

To get in touch with the transportation crew, please email them at or use the form provided here


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