The Echo Crew | April 1, 2022

Vinnie Grossi leading the community in a wave.
“I love Work Day, I love the work program, and I love the opportunity for faculty to jump in there too, to get the experience being out of the classroom — being with students in that different context is awesome,” Grossi said.
Warren Wilson College (WWC) held its annual Work Day on March 31. Work Day is a day for all students, faculty and staff to gather and work together on various projects across campus.

Arlo Pogrebin (right) and Luke Wheelan (left) working on the volleyball court project.

Students building bird boxes with Ben Blackmar and Olya Milenkaya.

Students taking down the deck at WWC’s old swimming hole. While the swimming hole has been a wetland for several years, the deck has recently been deemed unsafe for use.
“At first I was like ughhh, sounds like a lot of work,” George Verykoukis said upon joining the not-pond project. “But right now, I’m like … enjoying it.”

Doug Bradley supervising students removing the not-pond deck.

Renovations to the firepit at Jensen trail, including removing trash and landscaping work.

Tacci Smith raking leaves near the Pavilion.

Students working to create a path next to the Pavilion.

Chestnut Van Bramer digging a channel for increased drainage and flow.
“It’s kind of muddy today, but that’s how it is sometimes,” Watson Jones said.

Emza Shackelford-Whitten and Grayson Reese cleaning around the chimney near Jensen trail.

Eliza Patterson, Sarah Slaymaker and Kat Shaw moving rocks for water drainage.

Hannah Herman painting part of the Pavilion mural.
“I like the idea of taking off classes to do art,” art professor Lara Nguyen said.

Sarah Coe and Elsa Cline working on the mural project.
“I was definitely thinking of the location of the mural since it's near the Jensen trail and where a lot of people like to hike and walk,” Meredith Strong, senior art and art history major and Work Day project leader, said. “I was thinking about the local flora and fauna of this region.”

Students participating in the thank-a-thon by making cards to send to donors and community members.
“Well, it's a little different for advancement,” Database Coordinator Mary Fields said. “So, you know, the general thing with Work Day is that it's for beautifying the campus; for advancement it’s thanking the people who give us the opportunity and the resources we need to keep the campus beautiful and thriving.”

Jules Swenson and Kahli Brown writing cards for the thank-a-thon.

Ana Risano won one of the raffle prizes, which included three books and a Work Day t-shirt.

Students chanting, “Work Day!”

Members of the WWC Jazz band performing at the Pavilion.

Students getting flowers in honor for Trans Day of Visibility.

Kezar Berger and Parker Gondella enjoying food provided by Gladfelter and the farm.

“It's been such a long time and it's really one of the most special traditions we have,” President Lynn Morton said. “The sun came out — it just makes you feel like there's a message in there somewhere.”

“Work Day is pretty synonymous with what we're all about here.” Mathes Mennell, the men’s soccer coach, said. “Warren Wilson, it's an opportunity to join the community, help our own personal environment in terms of, you know, the college campus and beautify it, and that's pretty awesome.”
Quinn Bonney