CORE Crew’s Big Earth Month Plans

Special to The Echo: CORE Crew | April 13, 2023

Hello fellow Wilsonites, do you love our super awesome Earth? CORE Crew has some awesome events happening this month and we hope to see you there. We are awesome and you are awesome. This Earth Month’s theme is intersectionality – Show up and show out to this month’s events.

April 15 at the River Trail from 9 a.m. -12 p.m. there will be a service-based trail restoration project. We are looking for 15 funky folks who are interested in improving the trail and learning about trail maintenance and the good old Swannanoa River. Participants will be constructing bog bridges on a short section of trail to prevent erosion. Sign up here.

April 16 at Kittredge Theatre at 6 p.m. come watch The Smell of Money, a super cool documentary about environmental racism in the commercial agriculture industry in Eastern North Carolina. We will also have a panel discussion with activists, WWC faculty and community members about the impacts of hog farming and actions that can be taken against harmful practices. There will also be a raffle with the proceeds going to Asheville Survival, a local mutual aid organization that provides assistance to our houseless neighbors. 

April 18 at 7 p.m. come down to CORE for a Reusable Pad Workshop hosted by Wellness Crew and CORE. All menstruators and menstruation supporters are welcome to come through and use our wonderful craft corner to create their own reusable pad.

April 19 at Morris Pavillion join cultural group leaders from 6:30-8:30 p.m. to discuss the meaning of Earth Day from different cultural perspectives. WIDE and CORE invite you to an open space to share feelings and thoughts about the intersectionality between topics from environmentalism to social justice. 

April 20 at Morris Pavilion CORE is hosting a Cannabis industry Discussion/ Panel at 6 p.m. Join local latine folks Raileigh Duschen and Mel Noyes, who have lived and worked in the cannabis industry, for a presentation and discussion about their experiences in the cannabis industry surrounding racial inequities. We will also be discussing what you can do to be an ethical consumer.

The Big Gay Earth Day Parade is happening April 21 from 11:30 a.m. -1 p.m. Come celebrate Earth month with CORE and the QRC by getting creative and joining the parade. Incorporate queer joy into a float and show your allegiance to our environment. We are lining up in the Kittredge parking lot at 11:30 a.m. and then waking at noon. Sign up here.

April 22 from 2:30-3:30 p.m. come down to CORE and tour the compost facility and learn about the different types of composting happening on campus. Build your own tin can compost system to take home and start collecting your own compost. This event is limited to 15 participants so sign up fast. Sign up here.

We hope you will join us for a wonderful earth month – Take some time away from school stress to enjoy our planet and feel connected to the community that surrounds and supports us here. Whether you drop by to participate in a meaningful discussion, attend a parade or anywhere in between, as long as you come with an open mind and positive energy we are happy to welcome you. CORE earnestly appreciate every single person’s presence.


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