Self Care Tarot

Iris Seaton | March 24, 2022

This issue’s topic: What do I need to decompress? What can I take into consideration when practicing self care? How can I best find ways to balance the different pieces of my life effectively?

Consider these prompts, then choose a number from 1-3 before scrolling down to find the card associated with your number.

Simply hover your mouse over the card to read.




The High Priestess. If you chose this card, consider the following:

Think about spirituality, creativity, introspection and/or meditation. Search for meaning or simply allow yourself release through the guidance of whatever method of soul searching suits you best. Now may be a good time to pull out your tarot cards, sketchbook or journal.

Trust your intuition on what’s working and what isn’t. You know what’s best for you, and you deserve to advocate for yourself. As obvious as it may sound, take extra care in analyzing what’s best for you. Are you taking advantage of all the resources available to you?

Enjoy the coming of spring! It can be difficult to get outdoors, particularly when things are busy. Whether it’s hiking, enjoying a cup of coffee on the lawn or just picking some daffodils for your desk, allowing yourself to adjust to the new beginnings that spring provides can be cathartic.

Affirmation: I know what is best for me.




The 2 of Cups. If you chose this card, consider the following:

How are your relationships serving you? Are you paying enough attention to your loved ones? Are you paying too much attention to your loved ones? Our relationships play major roles in our stress levels, and this can mean wildly different things from person to person. Remember that you can always find balance in healthy relationships.

Are you letting people in? Maybe you have people — teachers, friends, partners — who offer you help. Do you avoid accepting offers to share your burdens? Consider accepting help, even when it can be difficult, and think hard about what it is that makes you hesitant to accept that help in the first place.

Advocate for yourself! You deserve to be heard, to have partnerships that benefit you, to carry equal weight in any area of your life involving other people. If there is a person in your life draining you of anything, put some time into deciding what balance looks like.

Affirmation: I deserve love from myself and others.




The Hanged Man. If you chose this card, consider the following:

Sometimes there really isn’t anything you can do. Try your best to let go of any guilt you may be carrying for not doing “enough.” It’s easy to give in to obsessively worrying about things that you cannot control. Ground yourself, do your best at the tasks you have, then allow yourself to enjoy some time to yourself. You don’t always need to be on the go.

Sometimes the traditional image of self care — face masks, essential oils, ice cream — really is what you need. But self care looks different for everyone. What has worked for you in the past? Look back on your previous successes with self-soothing and allow yourself time for those again. You deserve to feel calm, to take a pause from the things that have been keeping you so busy.

You are doing your best, even when your best doesn’t look exactly like you want it to. It’s easy to tell ourselves that we aren’t trying, that we’re lazy, uncaring, ungrateful. The truth is that things aren’t always as easy as we want them to be. Set realistic goals that are kind to yourself. Stop insulting yourself if you don’t quite make those goals.

Affirmation: Every day I do the best I can.


Harley and the Heavens: April


Harley and the Heavens: March