Harley and the Heavens: May Edition

Harley Woods | May 4, 2023

Current zodiac season: Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Symbol: Bull

Element: Earth

Quality: Fixed 

Traits: Stubborn and sensual

May Planetary Transitions

This month’s full moon will take place on May 5 in Scorpio at 1:34 p.m. This full moon will also be a lunar eclipse. Emotional turmoil and reflection may boil to the surface without expectation or warning. The new moon will take place on May 19 in Taurus at 11:53 a.m. The new moon may lead some to question their security and safety in their emotional lives and well-being. 

To start this month out, Pluto will retrograde (Rx) on May 1 at 1:08 p.m. Because Pluto is a generational planet and moves through orbit very slowly, its effects are more subtle. This planet rules deeper subconscious elements of our minds such as spirituality and reform/transformation. While in Rx in Aquarius, Pluto asks us to consider where we have been on our life path and what we need to leave behind. Between May and Oct. (when the planet turns direct again), we may find ourselves seeking meaningful change in our own lives and structures. For some, this could mean reflecting on religion and its interaction with our lives, while for others this could mean taking on a new journey in our careers. This shift will be significant over the next five months. 

May 14 signals the end of Mercury Rx at 11:17 p.m. Those feeling the effects of Mercury Rx will awake to a less stressful and more balanced life on May 15. It is said that the planet of communication can disrupt technology and mix signals while in Rx. Look forward to feeling a sense of ease and natural resolutions upon the end of Rx. 

A more gentle movement in the stars occurs on May 7, where Venus moves into Cancer at 10:24 a.m. Venus is the planet of love, and Cancer is the zodiac canonically devoted to warmth and emotion in relation to others. This will be a very intimate period of time for those expressing and receiving love, though be wary not to put all your eggs in one basket or become too clingy or codependent in your relationships, romantic or otherwise. 

The more volatile Mars will enter the sign of Leo on May 20 at 11:31 a.m. The planet of action and aggression will be inflamed by Leo, a fire sign centered around ego — its ruler being the Sun. We may find ourselves prioritizing our needs (on occasion to a detrimental level) revolving around sex, aggression and instinct while Mars is in this placement. 

Jupiter enters Taurus on May 16 at 1:20 p.m. Jupiter is the planet of expansion and learning. Taurus is a zodiac that rules the slower things in life and more healing based needs. The sign is also said to have a strong tie to finance. This placement may indicate incoming wealth or an enhanced ability to manage personal finances. Individuals who struggle with self-care and leisure may find that they are learning new skills for healing and stasis. Take advantage of this placement to identify what areas in your life you have previously been stubborn with and need growing in. 


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Harley and the Heavens: April Edition